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Settings Panel on the dashboard is a collection of several settings, letting you manage your account. You can access this panel by clicking on the gear symbol in the top right of the dashboard. This section allows the “Administrator” to update the account details, add or remove users, and manage plans. 

Profile Tab.

This tab shows the user details of the logged-in user. A logged-in user can change the Name, Email id, Country, Phone information for his account.

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Organization Tab.

This tab will be visible only to the Admin user. This tab allows viewing and edits the organization information like Organization Name, Organization Website, Organization Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code, Contact Number, Current Plan. Tab also allows the ability of the existing  Upgrade Plan.

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Plans Tab.

This tab provides the list of all available plans for the said organization along with its current plan. This tab will also display the feature list per plan helping the user navigate the plans per his requirements. Also, the user won’t be able to downgrade to a free plan if he has opted for a paid plan. For further details please visit us at Codegrip.tech or reach out to us at team@codegrip.tech

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Users Tab.

This tab allows the user to view the complete list of all the users associated with their account. The only admin user can Search, Add or Delete and Modify another user’s role in the account. 

Admin can invite as many users as he wants, but only the limited number of users will be allowed under the subscribed plan will be added to the organization.

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Purchases Tab.

The purchase section holds all the billing information for the account like Current Plan, Business(Yearly), Start Date, End Date, Next Payment, Next Billing Date, along with the remaining number of users that the Admin user can add to Codegrip.  

The purchase section also displays the complete list of historic transactions with the details like Payment Date, Plan Name, Users, Amount, Transaction ID, Billing Period. Admin users will be able to download all the history from this section into a PDF file. This section will be visible only to the Admin users for privacy and security reasons.

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Rule Set Tab.

This is the main tab for setting rules for all your projects on an organization level. In this tab, there are 2 sections. 1st is Rule set this section lists all the languages Codegrip support, clicking on any of the languages will list the rule sets for that language. The other section is Projects, it will list all the project that any language has once you click on the language. Admins can Clone, Assign, and delete the rule sets to all your projects. Admin can also customize the rule sets per organization requirements.

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