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  5. What are various types of Severity?

What are various types of Severity?

There are 5 types of severity the issues are categorized on, Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor, INFO.


BLOCKERBug with a high probability to impact the behavior of the application in production like memory leaks, unclosed JDBC connection etc. The code must be immediately fixed.
CRITICALEither a bug with a low probability to impact the behavior of the application in production or an issue which represents a security flaw like empty catch block, SQL injection etc. The code must be immediately reviewed.
MAJORThe flaws related to quality which can highly impact the developer’s productivity like uncovered piece of code, duplicated blocks, unused parameters etc.
MINORQuality flaw which can slightly impact the developer productivity like length of the lines, usage of methods etc
INFONeither a bug nor a quality flaw, just a finding that can be used for improvement.


Here are some Best practices for Reviewing Code. Here is another blog on What is code vulnerability?

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