The Key indicators provided after analyzing the code by Codegrip are Reliability, Maintainability, Coverage, Duplication.
Reliability | The effort to fix all bug issues. The measure is stored in minutes in the DB. An 8-hour day is assumed when values are shown in days. |
Maintainability | Rating is given to your project related to the value of your Technical Debt Ratio. The default Maintainability Rating grid is: A=0-0.05, B=0.06-0.1, C=0.11-0.20, D=0.21-0.5, E=0.51-1 |
Coverage | On each line of code containing some boolean expressions, the condition coverage simply answers the following question: ‘Has each boolean expression been evaluated both to true and false?’. |
Duplication | The block of code that is repeated in the project over and over through various file. |
Here are some Tips to write bug-free code during the interview. Here is another blog on Everything You Need To Know About Code Smells.
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