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How to improve Code Quality: A short analysis

How to Improve Code Quality: A short analysis


Code quality distinguishes between positive (high quality) and poor (low quality) code.

Code Quality, good, and bad are both subjective concepts. Depending on the situation, different teams can use different meanings. For an automobile engineer, high-quality coding can mean different things. For a web application creator, that may mean something entirely different.

As a consequence, we’ll go over what code quality is, how to boost it, what the most relevant code quality indicators are, and how the code quality software can help.

The following are some important mistakes that should be examined and avoided to enhance code quality:

  • Any modern development stack includes continuous integration as a critical component.

It means that you have unit testing, that such checks are centralized, and that your implementations have some form of validity.

  • All have tight schedules and time-to-market requirements. Companies who do not perceive code consistency as a continual process easily lose control, and redoing the product is less costly than retaining it.
  • Outsourcing can result in teams and businesses receiving code or a commodity.
  • In this situation, quality assurance entails gatekeeping and ensuring that the solution is being developed correctly.

Some Practices to follow for Good Quality Code


Teams will start diverging on items that should be standard and decided upon as they use different code types or procedures.

It’s important to ensure that programming teams are on the same page when it comes to coding design.

The first move is to create a code style guide from the beginning. Many commodity owners fall behind when it comes to enforcing them. Good software will assist you in centralizing all of your technology best practices and integrating code consistency into your production process.

It’s simple for businesses to create an MVP and prototype a concept. As the first consumers and customers step through the gates, though, the overall solution’s consistency will become increasingly relevant.
When growth is implemented, consistency may become more important.


One thing we’ve found is that there’s a point where using software or methods makes sense.

If you find yourself repeatedly encountering the same problem, it’s likely that you’ve outgrown your current processes.

You should highly doubt what you’re doing now. If quality concerns continue to occur, you should decide whether it is time to enforce more rigorous guidelines, procedures, and quality tools.

You should gather facts and feedback from all possible sources. John Carmack wrote an excellent essay on why static analysis is so important, and it has become a mantra for modern software development best practices.

  • Static inspection and code linting can also be pursued.
  • Take a look at JSHint if you use JavaScript.
  • If you use PHP, check out PHPMD and PHPCS, as well as our overview of other tools in our PHP Static Analysis Tools.
  • Take a look at PyLint if you use Python.
  • Take a look at Scala style and CSS Lint for CSS if you use Scala.

What is a Good Code and a Bad Code

High-quality coding is good technology. It’s even clean coding. It has withstood the test of time. Low-quality coding is poor code. It isn’t going to last long.

Essentially, good code should do what it’s supposed to do, have a clear theme, be simple to grasp, be well-documented, and be testable.

In programming, code consistency is critical. When code is of poor quality, it may pose a threat to one’s safety or security. As software crashes due to a security breach or a safety defect, the consequences can be disastrous or deadly.

It is everyone’s duty to achieve a high standard of consistency. The creator. The examiner. The one in charge. Throughout the production process, the aim should be to attain high quality.


How Do You Measure Code Quality

Although there’s no one universally accepted standard for assessing code quality, the following are a few standard traits to follow to ensure your code quality doesn’t falter.


The possibility that a machine will operate without a loss for a given period of time. It has to do with the number of bugs and the software’s availability.

A static inspection method can be used to count the number of defects. The mean time between faults can be used to assess software availability (MTBF). Low defect counts are particularly critical when creating a dependable codebase.


It assesses the ease at which applications can be upgraded. It has to do with the codebase’s scale, functionality, structure, and complexity. Maintainable source code is dependent on a variety of considerations, including testability and understandability.

To ensure maintainability, you can’t depend on a single metric. The number of stylistic alerts and Halstead difficulty steps are two metrics to consider to increase maintainability. For designing maintainable codebases, both automation and human reviewers are needed.


Testability is the measure of how well adapted the code is to tests and retests and the kind of response you get from the code as a result of testing. The key metrics it depends on are how well can control, observe and isolate and automate testing among other key metrics.

Testability is determined by the number of test cases used to identify possible device flaws. Testability is influenced by the scale and difficulty of the program. As a consequence, using approaches at the coding stage, such as cyclomatic complexity, will help you boost the component’s testability.


The term “portability” refers to how adaptable a piece of software is in various contexts. It has everything to do with network independence.

Portability isn’t described in any way. However, there are several ways to ensure that your code is portable. Rather than waiting for the end of production, it’s critical to validate code on various platforms on a regular basis. Setting the compiler alert thresholds as high as possible — and having at least two compilers — is also a smart idea. Enforcing a coding standard aids portability as well.


Reusability evaluates whether existing properties, such as code, can be reused. Modularity and loose coupling are features that make properties more readily reused.

Reusability will help you determine the number of interdependencies. A static analyzer can assist in the detection of these interdependencies.

Let’s Look At a Few Methods to improve Code Quality

Measuring consistency allows you to see where you are in the process. You should take action to increase overall consistency after you’ve assessed.

Here are four things you can do to improve the code:

  •  Follow a coding convention.
  •  Conduct code analysis prior to code tests.
  •  Observe best practices for code analysis.
  •  Refactor current code (when necessary)

Increase your code quality by getting accurate code review reports. Sign Up on our Automated Code Review Tool now for Free!


Since consistency is subjective, analyzing and assessing it can be difficult. Some metrics, such as cyclomatic sophistication, may be used to objectively test code. There are many methods for reducing uncertainty and increasing efficiency.

On the first run, quality coding can take more time and effort. However, if you start with consistency, then you’ll save money on repairs and bug fixes in the long run. 

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