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How Codegrip does code review for GitHub and Bitbucket

How Codegrip does code review for Github and BitBucket

Github and BitBucket are the two most popular and highest rated version control systems on the net. With both offering great flexibility, it is unlikely not to use these platforms while developing. Automated Code Review becomes a challenge that is quickly and efficiently dealt with by CodeGrip.

Start reviewing your code with Codegrip

To begin with code review, the first thing you need is setting up your source code files of software on any platform from two GitHub or BitBucket. 

GitHub is the more popular of the two because of the ease to integrate it with other platforms. GitHub is focussed around public development and open source work hence is the first choice for people who work for public projects with an aim to share their work. It is an educational platform providing an unlimited public repository for free but charging for hosting the private repository.

BitBucket is part of the Atlassian suite and so naturally has easy integration with other products in Atlassian family-like Jira, Fisheye, Bamboo, and many more. The advantage it has over others is that one can create unlimited private repositories for free, something that GitHub charges for. 

Choosing one of them can be a difficult job because of the similarities, but one can easily select according to the pricing plan and need of public or private repository.

CodeGrip takes a minute to import and analyze your repository.

Once you’ve created a repository, setting up CodeGrip is a three-click job. Visit homepage and click on Login. You would be prompted to connect through GitHub or BitBucket. Choosing one of the options will automatically log in to your account and allow you to import your repositories. CodeGrip will import and also analyze your whole repository under a minute and give you key statistics. 

Half of your code review process is done! From this, I meant half of the time you would spend on code review is on calling your teammates for reviewing and then figuring out issues in code together. Instead, CodeGrip reads your file line by line, comparing your code with its pool of data that has documented errors, code smells, and other defects. 

Read more about the best practices for the Code Review Process. 

Screenshot of the dashboard of Codegrip once code review is done.

CodeGrip calculates the number of issues and the technical debt of these errors. It then divides them into two sections – Reliability and Maintainability. Reliability is a combination of bugs and vulnerability. It shows issues and time to resolve these issues under the reliability section. Maintainability, on the other hand, is more focussed on your design quality as it shows code smells and the technical debt associated with it. 

Apart from these two, it displays Coverage percentage which is based on the density of possible conditions inflow control structures that have been followed during unit test execution and Duplication percentage which is based on duplicated blocks and number of the line as compared to the full code. All these statistics are shown under your dashboard that gives you an overall overview of your project, making your work easier and result oriented. 

These metrics are not something you will find in a manual code review process, as these are difficult and time-consuming to generate. But while performing code review, a team much know what design standards they are following and what are their expectations. Having a number of issues and technical debt associated with it gives a more precise starting point to any developer to build an action plan according to the time available, as one of the leading reasons for ignoring code review is because of lack of time.

Codegrip also helps you solve the errors

The next step of code review is solving errors. You can see all the issues and code smells under the Issue tab. Filters help you know what issues you want to address first according to the type of bug, code smells or vulnerabilities and according to the severity whether blocker, major, critical, minor, or info. Sorting issues will show you details of all the issues you want to see. Details will have what type of error does lines of code contain so that you can resolve it while displaying which number of lines and in which file error resides. It also shows the resolving time and severity to decide accordingly when do you plan to solve.

If you can’t figure out what the solution of error would be, you can use our suggested solution feature. It will give you in-depth advice, examples, and references for your issue making sure that even the complex problems go fully attended and never ignored. 

CodeGrip saves time, effort, and money with an efficient automated code review process.

What makes it even more efficient is that you can view all the stats for each folder and file separately. You can click on the Code tab and view all your folders and files from your repository. Opening files will show you the full code with line by line issues found. Once you know the issue location and also the solution from the suggestive engine you can go back to GitHub or BitBucket and make amendments.

With every commit you make, your repository will get scanned again. CodeGrip will register your changes and display your development from the ongoing code review process under the Progress tab. Progress tab shows fixed issues from total issues, new issues, percentage of duplication removed, and security issues fixed along with an activity log to keep track of changes. 

Sign Up with GitHub, Bitbucket or Gitlab to get a free trial of our automated code review tool, Codegrip, and begin your journey to a higher quality of code


Code Review is highly essential in any development environment but is time-consuming, challenging to perform. It requires a more significant workforce. CodeGrip has made code review process a much quicker and efficient process for GitHub and BitBucket. It imports and analyses repositories directly from GitHub and BitBucket in few clicks. Codegrip gives developers various tools to locate and solve errors.

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