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Integrating Slack In Your Code Review Process

Taking seamless code reviews up a notch by integrating Slack notifications.

How Slack Integration Works?

To integrate slack with Codegrip you just have to add the webhook of your slack channel and you are ready to go.
How to get the webhook URL?
Once you have successfully integrated Slack you get three notification options:
Project scan notification

If this notification is enabled you will automatically get a snapshot of the code quality of the project directly into your slack channel every time a commit is made on the project.

Pull request notification

With this notification enabled Codegrip will send the details of any pull request made on the project along with the code quality of the pull request made.

No commit notification

The no commit notification sends a reminder if no commit has been performed by the time you have set. This notification makse sure every developer has committed their code periodically.

How Slack integration has helped our users.

Service-based companies:

The biggest advantage that service-based companies see with Slack integration is the availability of code review reports directly into their project’s slack channel. Having automated reports with each commit makes it easier to keep track of the progress of the project and helps to assure their clients about the quality progression of the project. Overall companies see better client satisfaction because of the availability of periodical reports available to the clients.

Product-based companies:

Product-based companies see a decrease in time needed for each sprint due to readily available code review and pull request reports directly into the Slack channel. Having code review reports available in the Slack channel makes it easier to manage technical debt and save time otherwise spent on code review. The automatic availability of pull request details such as code review reports and reminders to merge the branch makes it easy for the reviewer of the pull request to analyze the request and merge it quickly