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Code Review Tools: The One-stop Solution For Technical Debt

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Code Review Tools: The One-stop Solution For Technical Debt

Technical debt is a term that is used to describe a situation that occurs quite frequently in the IT industry. It is the situation when software has some code that is not functioning as it is supposed to. In such cases, the developers are faced with two options to fix the code. The first is a long-term solution that will fix all the errors, but it will take a long time to develop. The other is a quick solution that may not fix all errors. The results produced by a quick solution can also be quite unpredictable.

If developers delay writing efficient code that meets the client’s requirements and adheres to quality standards, their technical debt will keep piling up. Though it is much easier to ship a-semi polished product today and plan to fix it later, it might not be the best route for your organization. When you try to fix it at a later time, not only will it take more time, but it will also cost more.


How is Technical Debt Incurred?

Technical debt incurred by companies is not due to one reason. Sometimes, it is done deliberately for meeting deadlines and delivering the product faster. While doing so, companies take the easy way and do not follow all the guidelines and good practices. But technical debt can also occur because of an accidental decision that developers have taken. When developers fail to notice an error in their code, and it goes to the later stages of development, then the technical debt is incurred. It might have been easy to fix that error, but there is no way to fix it if no one noticed it.

The use of an automated code review tool can catch errors that developers might sometimes miss. It uses a variety of checks to ensure that the quality of the code is high. If it finds a mistake in the code, it alerts the developers and points them to the error they have made. After all, the most efficient way to deal with errors is to fix them as soon as they arise. This way, errors can be resolved before it slips into the development process and adds to your technical debt.

Why is Code Quality So Important?

When developers are getting started, generally, their main focus is to deliver code that functions well. They are not very concerned with whether their code meets high-quality standards or not. However, if they use a code review tool during development, their mistakes will be brought to their attention as soon as they make it. This also helps management pay close attention to the company’s code quality standards. If the entire team faces the consequences of not adhering to quality standards, their sense of awareness about code quality will improve. But the question “Why high-quality code is needed?” still remains.

Must Read: Why is code quality important?

The most significant advantage of having higher quality code is that developers will spend less time managing technical debt. Research in this field has shown that when developers ship higher-quality code, they spend less time working on fixing errors to reduce technical debt. This extra time they gain can also be used to add more features to their product. Companies that have the highest code quality scores spend 81% of their time developing new features, and they spend very little to no time on dealing with technical debt. Therefore, the higher the code quality, the lesser time the company has to spend on fixing errors. As a result, their efficiency improves significantly.



Managing Technical Debt Using Codegrip

Codegrip is an automated code review service provider that can help developers write code that meets high-quality standards. It is a very efficient tool for reducing your technical debt. Developers spend an average of 20% of their time reviewing code. The use of code review tools from Codegrip can help them significantly reduce that time.


Here are some of the features of Codegrip:

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