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100X Teams

A series to help you optimize your team and process

We are featuring a new leader every month to help you optimize each aspect of your company. This series is focused on improving the productivity of teams and processes.

Episode 1

Learn how to increase your team’s productivity exponentially.


Learn how to structure and motivate your team.
Learn how to manage remote teams
Learn how to hire the right person for a job profile

Episode 2

Learn about the state of AI and its role in digital transformation.


AI and its role in digital transformation.
State and future of AI in manufacturing supply chain
Building a core AI team and ecosystem.

Episode 3

Know about dentistry and its trends in America.


Dentistry in America post-COVID-19
Mobile dentistry, teledentistry in America
The hygienist’s role in dentistry
How mobile dentistry is changing dentistry

Image result for webinar of surbhi rahore

Episode 4

Building a business in the US as an immigrant founder


Key learnings for immigrant founders building a venture-backed business in the US
Learn how to leverage being an Indian and having roots in India to add to capital efficiency and velocity to the business.
Building B2B businesses in AI
Raising venture capital.

Episode 5

Scaling a team and Maintaining Quality


Howie is a visionary technology manager and leader with a rare aptitude for high-growth startups, turnarounds, and transformations.
Learn from Howie’s entrepreneurial journey
Learn what kind of people do you need
Learn how can you get your team to effectively work together to execute on the roadmap in an efficient way?

Episode 6

Transitioning from Corporate Job to Building a Startup


Startup journey from 22 years of the corporate world to startup
Cultural differences – Growing up in India vs Opportunities in India/US
Look back to Advising myself if I was 21 years old?
Learnings as a first-time founder